Posted by: kristystravels | December 22, 2009

Tailgating Minnesota Style- Go Vikings!

A really great time …in lots of layers and with heated tents but everything is the same!

Posted by: kristystravels | December 22, 2009

Day of Tubing

Mike and I took his sister, Katlin, with us to go tubing on Sunday! What a blast! Alittle scared at first but then got over my fears and had a really great time! So sore the next day…how pathetic…I am so out of shape! Here are a few pics from the day! Merry Christmas!!

Posted by: kristystravels | December 12, 2009

Winter is here to stay

I have been wishing for snow for that last couple of weeks and well, this week I got more than I wished for! Driving  in the snow has been a little experience for me! I am learning very slowly and carefully…and I mean slowly! At 30 mph I hit the breaks and started a slight skid so needless to say I am slowing myself down! We had a snow storm mid week where during the night we received an inch of snow every hour. I woke up to a winter wonderland…it was beautiful! Mike was in Chicago during the snowfall so he was extremely worried that I would not be able to drive in it but I used my amazing driving skills and got around! Maybe next time the snow will have better timing and wait until Mike is in town next time before it falls! ha!
Mike and I cooked a gumbo this weekend then headed to a holiday night parade downtown where the floats and costumed people are dressed in lights. It was really nice especially since Mike and I were able to grab two seats at Starbucks to see the parade from the window. We stayed nice and warm! I felt so badly for the individuals in the parade….super cold!
Tomorrow Mike and I are excited about attending a Christmas party at our friends home, The Millers! Its a themed party with Christmas hats so I am trying to be creative on my hat. If it comes out badly I plan on just picking up some reindeer hats. I’ll post a picture once its finished!! I just finished making my yummy cake balls and now I am beat! Its a long process and I don’t have my sister here to help me with the dipping!! Its so much easier when she does it! 🙂 I love her! Have a wonderful Christmas everyone!

Posted by: kristystravels | November 20, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving!

Hi there! Mike and I went back home last weekend and had a wonderful time visiting with everyone we were able to see. I hate that I am not there to spend more time with them. Sorry I wasn’t able to see everyone, it really frustrates me that I don’t have much time. A little recap on my weekend…the little ones are getting so big. My little nieces and nephews are growing up way too quickly. I am considering getting a web cam to stay in touch a little better so I don’t have to seem the grow so quick between my visits.
The weekend started with my wonderful aunts picking me up from the airport…Aunt Kaye and Aunt Faye! It was great seeing both of them! Then Mike, my dad and I headed to Baton Rouge to have dinner with Debbie, Claudia, Josh, Claudia, Raymond, and Courtney! It was great seeing all of them! We had a wonderful meal with tons of my favorites which included shrimp and crawfish stuffed chickens, smoked boudin, boudin balls, sausage, and my favorite Chantilly cake. What a special night with great friends, conversation and of course, great food. Mike really enjoyed playing football and basketball with Josh and Claudia.
The next day Jody and I took Gabe along for a shopping trip before we attended Brett and Amanda’s wedding Reception.  The reception was beautiful and we had a great time! It was great seeing everyone and of course, I cried the entire time. I have been such an emotional person lately. Blair was such a doll as she danced around to the band then had a fit when her mom tried to dance with another little girl. It was funny! I also need to add that I did the cake pull and pulled the wedding ring…whoa, Mike! ha!
Sunday consists of visiting my family all day! I enjoyed seeing everyone that I could…I am a bit, long-winded so of course, I always had long visits. I got to see my niece, Claire and my nephew, Cameron…such cuties! Mike and I also had fun having Gabe with us all day long. Jody and Trey worked on their house they are building so Mike and I lucked out and got to baby sit for him. He is four months old and is such a good baby.  What a day!
Monday afternoon, Mike and I went to New Orleans so we could catch our early flight the next morning. We took the street car through the Garden District then just walked around! We had dinner at Drago’s (the best charbroiled oysters..yummy) then headed to the casino.
So as you can see it was a pretty jam-packed weekend but we did all we could before heading back home and back to work. Mike left to go hunting last night so I am putting up the Christmas tree today! Despite his protests I am putting it up before Thanksgiving and I might even keep it up past New Years! I love Christmas!!
I hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving and Christmas if I don’t get around to posting again!

Posted by: kristystravels | October 12, 2009

Let it snow, let it snow

While it is 75 degrees today back home in Baton Rouge, my new home is 35 degrees but feels like 30 degrees. What a change…a semi-welcomed one for now. Now my focus is on boots, sweaters, and coats.  Out with the summer clothes, skip fall…now its full fledge winter. It really seemed fall changed to winter really quickly, too quickly. I am excited about winter despite the predictions for this being Minnesota’s coldest winter in 50 years…yes, 50 years! I sure know how to pick the right time to move to a new place. 

Despite the cold weather, my life here in Minnesota has been a wonderful experience. Thankfully, I have some great friends that have encouraged me to get out and explore what Minnesota has to offer. When I first moved I was hesitant to go out of my comfort zone…basically, stayed in the four walls of my apartment until Mike came home. But with the help of my friends and a new vehicle I felt comfortable to explore on my own.  I really enjoy living here…the weather and all.  (ask me again in February if I would still include the weather in that comment)

Mike got me a Garmin a couple of weeks ago…so along with my British voiced companion I travel the roads with such ease.  I am glad I wasnt able to have one when I first arrived because it forced me to learn the different areas. What a learning experience….well one that is continuing everyday as I experience new adventures.

So Christmas is just around the corner so now I am having the debate with Mike…when should we put up the Christmas tree and where will we put it. Well, Mike says we cant fit it so we shouldn’t have one. Now for those of you that know me and my love of Christmas…already know how I answered him. Bah, humbug! I will never go a Christmas without a  tree again!  I went without a tree when I first bought my house and it just wasn’t the same. Now…I am thinking about putting it up after October…just so Mike won’t get too sick of it by Christmas. If I wanted to be a selfish person..the tree would have been up this past weekend since his mom is reminding us we need to get out of her garage before the winter. (I just might get my way since Winter is NOW HERE!) I am secretly listening to some Christmas music…shhhh, don’t tell anyone.

I hope everyone is doing wonderful and take care! Kristy

Posted by: kristystravels | September 5, 2009

Skydiving rocks!

OMG, I had the most amazing experience skydiving today! So intense! I can not wait to do this again. I must say, everyone must do this atleast once in their life. I think this will be an activity I will do on a regular basis. Mike is now thinking of completing the accelerated freefall program which will allow him to jump solo after completion of a sequence of six classes.  Now, as for me this will not be an option in the near future. I enjoy having the reassurance of someone jumping with me in case I forget what the hell I am doing while I am plummeting to the earth at 120 miles per hour.  What a feeling…now I completely understand why people jump out of perfectly good airplanes. It was such a liberating experience…the feeling is what I will be seeking each and everytime I go back. Mike and I are already planning a second jump and where we will be jumping next. Europe or the Grand Canyon…gosh, what great options!! The possibilities are endless.

So if you are ever in Baldwin, Wisconsin and feeling adventures then check out Skydive Twin Cities for some real adventure. Its about an hour from Minneapolis, Minnesota so during your next visit to the twin cities definitely drive to make a jump. The instructors were great…really informative and make your experience the best one atleast my instructor, Joe, did. He definitely took control especially when I was shock with what I was about to do. Au reviour!

Posted by: kristystravels | September 2, 2009

Sirens, on a beautiful day like today?

Sirens, sirens, sirens…always going off in these cities! Here in Minnesota I have encountered tornado sirens and sirens that I have no idea what they are going off for. Here I am sitting on my couch when I hear an unknown siren…not an ambulance or a police car…it sounds again like a tornado siren. Today is beautiful not a cloud in the sky so I am guessing its just a tornado drill. I have learned in the past couple of weeks that I must go into a basement when I hear such sirens instead of sitting on my 8th floor condo near the sliding glass door. Ok, so I made one mistake but it happened to be the day of the rare occurrence of a tornado in downtown Minneapolis. This never happens according to local residents but it happens while I am here. Another learning experience.  Au revoir!

Posted by: kristystravels | September 2, 2009

Labor Day Weekend! Yay!

A long weekend coming up…well for me its no different as every other weekend but I do have to note I have a part-time retail job! Starting tomorrow…super excited about it! I’ll be working at the Loft about 15 hours a week…having interaction with the outside working world, styling, making new friends, networking and of course, blowing every paycheck on great clothes! Sound fun? Well, it is because the woman that I will be working for has the same energy level as yours truly on those super happy days. I am getting a lot more of them now that I am adjusting…for those of you that know me back home know that with a few work outs I tremendous amounts of positive energy!! I start tomorrow so I’ll keep you filled in to the work experience…these are some really great women that I am working for so it should be fun!

So does everyone remember what Friday is? Friday is JUMP DAY!!!  I haven’t ventured out to the website much, I don’t need any nerves right now.  I am sure Friday I will be an absolute nervous wreck! I just want to let everyone know that I love them now before I make the PLUNGE!!  SO I LOVE YOU GUYS!!  Everything will be fine, I just might have to change my panties after…. just kidding, I hope it made you laugh!! So Mike’s mom, who is already nervous, will be there taking pictures of Mike and our friends jumping. It’s a couple of us so I am sure I will have some entertaining stories to share! And pictures!  Wish me luck and pray no broken bones. If you would like go check out the website below. Mike shared it with me this morning but I refused to watch any videos especially before my interview.

I hope you all have a fabulous Labor Day weekend and I’ll be in touch!!  Au revoir!! xoxo

Posted by: kristystravels | August 27, 2009

Officially a Minnesota resident

Hi there! I am officially a resident…I have my new license to prove it! Minneapolis has been great…a city with tons to offer but even the surroundings cities have been fun to visit. In all honesty I do must of my shopping out side of the downtown area! Parking what a pain! I have been told to stop being so chicken about it and just go for it…so I have been venturing out more alone! So…this place has been fun and since I haven’t posted in so long, you are way behind! Ok, some will be disappointed but i have no pictures to share. The pictures are stuck on my laptop at the moment and I’m using Mike’s computer. I promise you will get pictures in two months! Just kidding I am going to start to add this to my routine…well the routine I wish I had like the job I wish I had! I am searching!

Ok…so here goes about my new experiences in Minnesota. I have learned that not everyone in my hotel (aka my apartment) wants to speak to me some would rather pretend that I am not on the 5×5 elevator ride with them. I guess I need a dog…seems the ones with animals tend to be more social probably because their animals are sniffing each others bottoms. In that situation what else would you do…watch or talk. Just kidding. On a more serious note, Minnesotans have truly lived up to the saying Minnesota Nice. Everyone  that I have met has welcomed me with open arms and are genuinely nice. Everyone is outside enjoying the weather here..its gorgeous and there are always fun activities going on! Mike and I are so busy every weekend with weddings, festivals, camping (yes, me…I was in a cabin but still), baby shower, wineries, lawn bowling, boating in one of the 10,000 lakes around, the Body Exhibit (interesting), amusement parks (The Dells…a must go, a Vegas for families in Wisconsin), happy hours, museums and parties that I am already falling out of touch with people that I have just met. I need to definitely make more an effort!  

Its really fun meeting new people and even better when every older person gives me the ‘Oh, poor thing what were you thinking when you moved here. Have you experienced the winter months? <Chuckle, chuckle> Layers, layers…dont forget them’ .  How much more interesting these posts may become of course, if I remember to blog them.

Now, there hasn’t always been new people…I have seen a few familiar faces from back home. I had a lovely visit from Debbie and her family. Her kids loved the Mall of America! Its a children’s playground with an amusement park with thrilling or can I add frightening rides. Whew….that was a day! Her kids had a ball…one ride over and over and over. I can’t ride them like I used to maybe my old age is finally taking a toll! ha! It was a really great visit…I am so happy they were here! Now, their next vacation needs to be the Wisconsin Dells…Josh and Claudia would love it!! Noah’s Ark has some of the record breaking water rides…very cool!! Oh, and they have to take a vacation here in the winter for some skiing in Lutsen!!  My Uncle Sterling and Aunt Sharon also came to visit! It was a passing through stop on their road trip. We had time for dinner at a local festival and Brits Pub to watch some lawn bowling!

Its been quite an experience so far! I even went to Los Angeles and made a road trip back to Louisiana with a friend. Its been a summer full of adventure. Coming soon…I will be jumping from an air plane. Yes, I will be doing this sometime soon…I have an entire list of things to experience before turning 30 so I have to make the best of the time til then!

Ok, Ill keep you all posted on my new experiences…until the next one. I need a catching ending phrase…any ideas!! Well how about….Au revoir!!

Posted by: kristystravels | August 27, 2009

Ok, ok…Im a blogging slacker!!

I apologize on not taking the time to post on my fabulous blog that Scott was so nice to make for me. (Sorry, Scott…I do love it)
I have officially been a Minnesota resident for 58 days!! Can you believe it? Well I guess you can…the winter is the time that everyone is betting on me to high tail it back home to Louisiana. Winter is approaching quickly!  The weather has been really nice here but I can tell its getting cooler, I’m guessing we are in the transition to the fall. (Shhhh…don’t tell anyone, everyone here hates to here that the summer is ending) I am simply stating the facts because now I have to worry about winter clothes, salt staining my boots, driving in the SNOW (as many of you know…I can barely drive on Louisiana flat land and like to take side turns into garages), not slipping on ice, black ice (not sure about this yet), frozen pipes…the list just goes on and on and on! We will see what an adjustment it will be. At the same time I am excited about the winter…where else can I have these new winter experiences of ice fishing, driving on lakes, snow mobiling, ice skiing (I am taking more lessons and hopefully, I will keep my poles this time), snow angels, snowman making, ice skating, and watching my boyfriend at his finest…broom ball and ice hockey! 
 As for summer, it has been a cold one according to every Minnesotan. Now I didnt believe this at first but its true..records are being broken for these cold summer months. I must say it beats the heat of the July and August months in Louisiana! Man, I went down in July…just a couple of months after I had moved here and as I exited the airport the heat just about knocked me down. Whew…but I will be missing Louisiana come November!  I’m hoping to be a champ and survive the winter and enjoy all of the activities it has to offer!

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